Who Am I?


I watched the Steven Spielberg documentary and I ended up being more inspired than I’ve been in a long time. It was fascinating to watch how he threw himself into film at such a young age. The other interesting aspect was how his personal story is really at the heart of all of the films that he’s made.

It reminded me that I too am a storyteller. It’s something I’ve known forever even while I continue to struggle to write or try and find some other medium to express myself (see my years as a photographer and even now as an event curator). The thought that I need to tell stories has never left me. It’s all I’ve really ever wanted to do.

That brings me to writing. In the past 10 years, I’ve had no fewer than 6 blogs. (I’d give you an exact number, but I don’t feel like going through all of the failed attempts). I’ve enjoyed all of them to some degree, but for some reason or another I’d stop. I think the common thing was, I couldn’t stick to a theme the way that blog advice sites insisted that you should. My voice would become lost as I tried to sound like and do what a blogger should.

Last night I realized that I’m going to write because I want to write. I need to write. And I don’t care about rules or if anyone is going to read it. And I’m going to write under my own name. And I’m going to cuss when I want to. And I’m going to be vulnerable when I want to. And I’m going to start today instead of waiting for the New Year.

Yup, I’m gonna.