

I’m solidly in my thirties, but I’m obsessed with the show Twenties. I was scrolling through Showtime one day and saw it. I’d never heard about it before and now that I’ve watched it, I’m very confused about how everyone isn’t talking about this show. It is brilliant...both the writing and the acting.

At first, it was giving me major Insecure vibes and I was a little concerned that it would be too similar. (Not the worst thing in the world...but also not the best). It’s centered around a group of black women who are friends and it’s based in LA. Also, one of the stars of Insecure was a lead in the show. I was pleasantly surprised that that’s where the similarities ended. 

What was also pivotal for me is that it was the first time I saw myself represented in a TV show. One of the lead characters is a Jamaican girl that went to Howard University. She’s a yoga teacher (I am not, but roll with me on the wellness thing), she meditates and is into being centered. She’s not stereotypically Jamaican. She’s just a regular woman, living life and she just happens to be Jamaican. If she didn’t mention it or if you didn’t see a subtle Jamaican flag on her vision box, you wouldn’t know. How refreshing. I didn’t know I needed this until I saw it. They do such a good job with her that I’m even willing to forgive the terrible accent of the guy that plays her father.

Twenties is a reminder that there is more than one black story and that there is room for all of them to be told. I’m running around telling everyone that will listen to watch it. So...please watch it and then do the same.