My Food Philosophy


Maybe it was COVID, maybe it wasn’t. I’m still not sure what had me feeling sick for the past few weeks. The symptoms lined up, but the test was negative. Either way, I knew it was time to load up myself with healing foods and remove the not so good things that I binged on a few weeks prior. I’ve spent the past week eating/drinking lots of garlic, ginger, turmeric broth, green juice, oatmeal. plant-based meals and fruit. Within days I started to feel better and today it felt like the whole thing lifted away.

I don’t remember exactly when I first learned that food is healing. More than likely it’s because there probably wasn’t a time when I didn’t know it. My mom is a nurse, but she always preached the benefits of whole foods, spices, and herbs. From a very young age, I learned that there was a type of tea to treat just about any ailment. This was the foundation for everything that I now believe about food.

Here’s my philosophy

  1. Food is healing. Modern medicine should be a last resort.

  2. There’s nothing better than great food and great company.

  3. If eating something that’s not so healthy, eat the best one possible. Eating mediocre brownies is a waste of everyone’s time.

  4. Alcohol can be part of a healthy diet. Moderation is key.

  5. Cooking at home can be easy and fun.

  6. Food is the best way to learn about cultures.

  7. Stay away from as many processed foods as possible, as often as possible.

  8. Never buy eggs that aren’t organic.