You Should Embarrass Yourself Every Now And Then


As I mentioned a few days ago, I’m moving over posts from my old Holy Sip site to this page. This post is from last year but it’s relevant always.

I knew exactly what hit me. It was a volleyball whirring towards my face at about 150 mph. I’d mistakenly believed that I “Got it” and I know that because I boldly yelled as much as the ball came flying towards my face. Somehow, I missed my teammates yelling “Out”. (By somehow I mean, that I was determined to hit this ball after missing the past five balls that were in play my way that I couldn’t hear anything else.)

All of this however isn’t my fault, I haven’t played volleyball in 20 years. (I should clarify that by played I mean I was on an intramural volleyball team after school in about 9th grade, so I doubt this even counts). Determined to stick to my fitness goals so that I can continue eating and drinking pretty much what I want, I decided to give volleyball a try as a low key rest day activity. I’ve been putting it off again and again because as I mentioned earlier, I haven’t played in 20 years. I knew my first time back into the mix was not going to be good. And I definitely wasn’t far off.

However, after the ball hit me in my face in front of about 50 people, I realized that embarrassment can actually be a really good thing. Sure, I wanted to run away and hide under the bleachers (I might have done it if I didn’t think this would invite more stares and thus, more embarrassment), but I survived it.

As I’m getting ready to start pitching my cocktail book to agents, I find comfort in this recreational volleyball embarrassment. I remind myself that even if it gets rejected, at least they didn’t throw a ball in my face. Then I remember that it will all be ok.