Feel Better with High Vibration Foods


One of the things that I immediately notice after I give into my body’s craving for sugar (and other things I don’t eat all the time) is how blah I feel. Not just physically, but vibrationally…emotionally. It takes more effort for my brain to swat away negative thoughts, it’s easier for me to feel a little blue, and people annoy me more than usual. After a couple of days like this, I remember that I need to give my body the nutrition that it needs.

Food is powerful. When I went to Chef Ahki’s detox retreat she called them electric foods, but I like to call them high vibration foods. The foods that we can give our body to help keep it clear of all types of clutter. For the most part, it’s simple to eat this way and they’re things we’ve learned forever: Eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables, organic preferably. I think the thing that most people don’t realize is the impact that it makes outside of just the physical effects.

Here’s a quick list of what will make your body happy and it easier to reach for good feeling thoughts:

  • Spices - Tumeric and ginger are powerful anti-inflammatory spices. I add them to food as often as I can. Other great ones that I use often are garlic, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

  • Herbs - Great for adding natural flavor to food (and cocktails). My favorite herbs are thyme, dill, cilantro, and basil. There are many more to choose from though and I couldn’t imagine cooking without them.

  • Green leafy vegetables - Kale, spinach, bok choy, lettuce, etc.

  • Berries + Fruit - Although, I recently saw a Buzzfeed video on strawberries and I don’t know if I can ever eat them again. I’m sticking to blueberries and island fruits that I grew up with like mango, avocado, papaya, etc.

  • Beans and legumes -

  • Apple cider vinegar - I start my days off with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of about 8 ounces of water. I can’t think of a single thing that apple cider vinegar isn’t thought to cure. While some of them haven’t been proven, ACV is a great all-purpose tonic. It keeps your body alkaline.

  • Nuts and seeds - Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts

  • Healthy oils - Olive oil, coconut oil

  • Herbal teas - (without condensed milk)

These foods will give you energy. With energy, comes a clearer mind. With a clear mind, it becomes easier to listen to that little voice inside of you that already knows where to go and what to do. With that clarity, it’s easier to feel good. And that is the goal, isn’t it?

Obviously, I don’t eat like this 100% of the time and I don’t aspire to. I’ve found that a good balance for me is to make this 85% of my diet and leave room for other things that I like, but might not be the best thing for me (wine, brownies). Sidenote - this weekend I remembered why it’s important to eat the best possible thing while straying away from this. I’ll tell my Domino’s (what a mistake) story tomorrow.