You Can Say Something That's Already Been Said, You Just Have to Say It Your Way


In the middle of the night, I found myself mumbling over and over, “You can say something that’s already been said, you just have to say it your way.” After saying it enough times, I finally decided to jot it down as a draft for a blog post. I forgot all about it until I got ready to write today and saw it on my screen.

I’m not exactly sure what sparked the thought in my mind, but I do know that it’s true. For years, I’ve convinced myself not to write or throw dinner parties because I believed everything had already been done and said. What I’ve learned is that yeah, maybe, but not by me.

As long as what you’re saying or doing is coming from a pure place, I urge you to do it. If it’s something you’ve considered for weeks, months, or years, it’s worth doing. Don’t worry about who else already did it, they can’t do it your way.

Follow that little voice inside of you that’s urging you to participate in the world. You won’t feel fulfilled until you do. And that’s really what life is about. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about showing up and participating and having fun. Yes, kinda like when you were a child.

Now, if you’re just doing something because it seems like a quick, easy way to make money, then definitely pass on it. (Chances are it isn’t anyway.)