Week 4 of Quarantine: Creating New Routines


I’m writing this from my desk. Nothing about that sounds too surprising, except that I never use my desk at home. A month ago I would have set up shop in my favorite public space close to my gym.

I realized this morning that a big part of the reason that I’ve been so unproductive is because my work routine is completely lost and I haven’t set out to create a new one. So now that I’ve successfully stuck with my exercise plan for a whole week, I think it’s safe to add another step. Normally I’d say you should stick with something for a few months before trying to tackle a new goal, but I was already exercising 5-6 days a week, I just had to figure out a new way to do it in these coronavirus times.

My work routine all centers on creating undistracted time for myself. Starting today, I will sit at my desk from 1pm-5pm and work with my phone on Do Not Disturb. As I look over the past few weeks, I realize how much time I’ve spent chatting/texting, looking at articles and videos that people have sent me, and falling down the rabbit hole of news websites. Of course, I haven’t been very productive.

I’m getting back to what I know works…working four hours per day distraction free. I have some great ideas for Holy Sip that I need to work on, wine studying to do and getting back on track with regular blogging. I’m excited to see what I can achieve and create in the next 30 days. It also just feels good to be excited and motivated again.