Dinner With Friends - Aziza | Atlanta, GA


Last week I came back from Jamaica and I wasn’t quite ready to face the world. It was cold and I was also just exhausted (too much peopling for this introvert). On top of it, I was dealing with a dating conundrum (the only thing I brought back from Jamaica). A friend suggested that we meet up for dinner to chat through my hopeless dating patterns. It turned out to be exactly what I needed.

She asked where I wanted to go and I mentioned that I’d been meaning to check out Aziza, an Israeli restaurant, for a few months. She said that it was perfect because she also hadn’t been yet and it was at the top of her list. Friends that also love food are the best.

As I arrived at Aziza on a chilly Wednesday night, I was immediately impressed by the decor. It was warm and intimate, even at 4,000 square feet. Everything that followed after that solidified Aziza as one of my favorite dining experiences in Atlanta. We noshed on kubaneh (a giant freshly baked brioche with a tomato-based dipping sauce), oxtail hummus, brussel sprouts and Akko prawns. We finished things off with a dessert that I don’t remember and can’t describe except to note that it was incredible (I blame the cocktails and great wine selections).

The night was the right amount of coaxing that I needed to embrace being back in the city. I don’t know if my dating dilemma got any clearer (I wouldn’t be me without a good amount of dating hesitation), but I was ready to face the rest of the winter.
