Everything I Know To Be True


1. Tune in to what feels good and do that. If you ever feel off-balanced or unsure just take the step towards what feels good and then take the next step to what feels good. Everything in you already knows the way.

2. Remove resistance. Stop trying to control things and just let it flow.

3. Everything is working out for you. Not just some of the time, but all of the time. Even the things that might seem “bad.” Those things are also happening just as they need to.

4. Center yourself first before going out into the world. When you focus on staying centered, everything else will flow from that. To center, meditate, journal, and visualize every morning. Hell, and every night.

5. Have only positive thoughts to attract more positive experiences. It works with people also. Focus on the things that you like about someone instead of the things that you don’t like. Everyone is doing their very best.

6. Move your body daily.

7. Have fun.